Hello everyone! This hop is in honor of the new digital stamp company
Lia Stampz.we thought this would be a great way to introduce you to our design team. So please feel free to "hop" along!
There will be some goodies along the way and even a prize at the end for those who are willing to search for it! Each team member from Mo to Jennie has a secret letter hidden on their post and you have to gather the letters to find the secret word and post it in a comment on Lia's blog.The first one to spell the word and post it in the comments over at Lia Stampz on the blog hop post gets a $10 gift certificate to Lia Stampz. So...check out each post and search for the letter...It should be easy to spot and stand out in some way so you notice it :)
If you didn't start at the beginning you will want to go back and hop in order.
Now, if you'r
E hopping along, you might be sEarching for clu
Es to win our big priz
E on the Lia Stampz blog. Hop
E you find what you'r
E looking for!
Don't forget that if you want 3 entries for the main drawing you need to:
1) comment on all blogs and leave a comment on Lia's with the secret word
2.) post the blinkie on your sidebar (comment a second time on Lia's stating you've done so )
3) follow Lia Stampz on Facebook and get a 3rd entry (don't forget to comment a 3rd time!)
Here is my creation for our first challenge which is "to add a charm".
"Lets Go To The Hop"!
6. Georgia {you are here}
Sally {your next stop}
Our hop will run between the 15th and 17th of August so make sure you make the rounds and search for the info needed for the "grand prize" drawing. Good luck everyone!
I would also like to enter my card into the following:
One Stop Craft - At the beach
Opus Gluei - Oh I do love to be beside the Sea